Let's return to our journey through the 5 Dimensions....
There are a couple things to keep in mind, heart, body while reading: The first is that all the dimension are right here right now. The second is that there is no hierarchical order to the dimensions nor an inherent value differential. They are all of equal importance and they are the cogs in the wheels of the inner workings of the Universe.
5D is the land of depth and breadth of life, of meaning and richness, of etheric and energetic blueprints, of mystery and miracles.
5D is right here here right now... accessible. We access 5D when we expand the sensory gating that we learned in 3D. There is more to our reality than than what is on the surface of things. We start to expand what we previously believed as real or not real, as possible or not possible, as good or bad. We expand our beliefs about reality and we expand our agreement field into 5D. Remembering that 1D is the vertical axis of the world of matter, and 3D is the horizontal plane. 5D is both the vertical AND the horizontal. When we are conscious of both and utilize the horizontal and vertical alignments with our place in the world/universe, we resonate with the 5th Dimension. 5D is a rich reality of depth of meaning(vertical), and connection to others (horizontal) where we literally ground heaven on earth. We allow spirit to live through us as us in these bodies. We connect to the earth and the sky, to self on others, to the meaning fields beneath the surface of the things. This is the land of heart based consciousness, self-love, self-compassion, magic and miracles. And it is truly right here right now. We pivot from our thinking mind to our feeling self and we enter the gates of 5D.
5D is the land of form and formless. In 3D, we are very aware of form and matter. It is a "have to see it to believe it" and a "I have stuff therefore I am" kind of reality. In 5D we become much more interested in the formless, the energetic or more etheric aspects of reality. We feel what is real and know it to be true for us. We pick up on the sensations within and around form. Form is 'informed' by the formless, so we start to get a glimpse of the inner workings of the Universe and this increases our intelligence and allows us to move out of our infatuation with the dualistic surface of things. You will see...
Engaging with depth and meaning blows our preconceived notions of good and bad or right and wrong out of the water. We see that there is more than good and bad, right and wrong. We start opertatiing in the Dao, which is the middle-ground between the opposites of duality.
Let's say something 'bad' happens to us... when we engage with meaning, we recognize that that thing that happened was not actually bad, not necessarily good either, but there is so much more depth to the experience, there is more dimensionality to it. The experience had some aspect of meaning to it, whether we understand it or not. Either way, simply knowing there is more dimensionality to our reality changes things dramatically.
“This is the land of 5D. It is not a surface experience, it is an experience of the mystery and depth and richness of life. ”
In any moment we can move from our surface experience (3D) to our deep experience of meaning (5D). It is really that simple.
There are skills we all use to do this; like awareness, self-responsibility, curiosity... many of which I present in detail in my book The Thrival Guide... coming soon. And the more and more we use our skills, the more and more we live in 5D. Actually when we do this... the more and more we ground 5D into the agreement field and grid of the planet. So it is useful for us and for the whole world. What is the reason for doing this? Why do we want to shift our life experience to 5D? Because 5D as a meaning field is where we gather the solutions. 3D problems cannot be solved from 3D thinking.
In 5D we use a our ordinary 5 senses to gather information AND we use our extra-ordinary sense which is our feeling sense. This sense is only accessed when we move beyond the surface of things. Feelings are below our emotions. Our emotions are flags at the surface saying "hello... there is something down here that means something".
Let's say you are having an argument and your anger triggers. Nothing wrong with this... this is great... but the solution is not to solve the argument with anger. Let the anger guide you deeper into the feeling sense or knowing that is under the emotion. This is where you find the solution. It may take a few moments or a few days... but the action must come from the deeper feeling place... otherwise the same emotion will be triggered by life over and over until you look deeper.
This is the experience of reliving day one of class over and over and only getting the syllabus. Why does this keep happening to me?
Our feeling sense IS our intelligence that comes from our multidimensional capacities, our understanding of the energetic realities. Broader view, bigger visions, deeper perception, contextual understanding, these are both the doorway into and the gifts from 5D.
Entering 5D is entering the Golden Age of Miracles. Sounds fantastical. But 5D is not only the land of white light, unicorns, and rainbows. And just like all the dimensions, everything exist here. 5D is just not as dense as 3D... things happen faster... things seems magical... even the darkness or the shadow, or your habits or places of holding surface faster if they need to be looked at. It is a land where you really need your skills.
There are places where the agreement field is already in 5D, around the world, in small villages, in pockets of society, at transformational festivals. Besides my own personal frequent and daily jaunts into 5D, I have close circles of friends where we enter together immediately with our expanded perspective, I have felt it most strongly in Bali, and that was 20 years ago before 5D really started grounding around us on this planets. But there is something about the indigenous cultural agreements that I experienced in Bali, in aboriginal Australia and in Africa as well, that make 5D and the realm of miracles more accessible.
Let's break this down... miracles... what does this mean? It simply means that things happen that are outside of the box, they are mind-blowing because they increase the parameters of what we think is possible. This is the golden aspect of 5D. Things happen faster; healing, creative projects, shifts in consciousness, fulfillment of our visions, because we are operating not at the level of form, but at the level behind the scenes with the formless. It is so much easier to move energy than it is to move mass. This is why it feels magical at first. The kicker is... once your perspective is fundamentally 5D, the miracles aren't really seen as miracles any more... they make sense... because we know how things work.
Here I must go into the Internet to 'prove' my point. The Internet is wonderful! It is a miracle... right? Well... it seems like it, but it is actually a primitive example of how the Golden Age of Miracles actually works, how the energetic grids and webs already connect us.
““Computers are magnificent tools for the realization of our dreams, but no machine can replace the human spark of spirit, compassion, love, and understanding.” ”
You see, as multidimensional beings, we already have access to all the information there ever was, we have the tools within us, we can transcend space and time, and communicate across vast distances, we have the technology within us. Sounds fantastical... right? The Internet is formless, it is a perfect example of how the formless determines form, how we can communicate across great distances, how we have the world at our fingertips. We use Internet technology, we allow it to use us at times, we are using it as a crutch until we get our legs back. We will eventually cast it aside, for a leg is so much more useful then a crutch. Do you ever think about someone and in that moment they call? This is a very simple example of how the Web, the Web of life really works. We are all connected. We have access to everything we need. We won't need to ask Siri anymore. We need to flex our muscles and get our walking legs back.
When our intelligence lights up from deeper engagement with 5D... the game is on. The SynchroniciTeas abound. As I mentioned before, accessibility is enhanced in certain places on the planet, in certain groups and agreement fields. At Burning Man, the 5D agreement field is locked and loaded. Consistent practice over years and years in the same geolocation has locked the 5D grid into 3D. It is a consistent and relentless experience of miracles.
I am standing on the playa alone thinking about Pharaohs... why Pharaohs?.. then 8 of them, not 1 or 2, but 8 of them fly by on hover boards shaped like surfboards, their capes flapping in the wind.
I am walking down a dusty street feeling hot and and I dream of ice-cream... why ice-cream?.. I never think about ice-cream... a man in a purple bunny suit offers me a fresh and very cold chocolate chip mint ice-cream cone.
These experiences don't mean anything if we cannot bring them back and ground them into our living reality as well. We enter new agreement fields to shift our beliefs about what we think is possible and what is not. The more we do this... the more we open ourselves to miracles and the dimension of 5.
5D is not as dense as 3D. 1D, as the iron core of the planet, is really dense... remember. And density decreases as we move out from the core of the Earth. So in 5D, as we engage with the energetic, formless, things happen faster. We don't feel oppressed by life... we feel like we are dancing with life. Our thoughts become reality. Our dreams become real. Our visions materialize. How fast could our solutions that come from the depth and meaning of 5D take hold on Earth?
“Creating an intelligent relationship with 5D is crucial to our survival here. ”
This is why we develop our tools, get our walking legs back, expand our awareness, get curious, engage with the deeper meaning layers of life. In 5D we truly live into the reality of the promise of our survival, we also dream alive our thriving in a Golden Age of Miracles. Free your mind and the rest will follow.
Thank you for journeying through the 5 Dimensions with me...
I am eager to entertain your comments....