“I am passionate about grounding spiritual ideas or ideologies into the physical and practical reality. For me, this is when things become really meaningful, useful, and Brilliant. ”
10 years ago, no one was talking about the 5th Dimension. Well, maybe a few of us in the obscure circles, like those who read Barbara Hand Clow's "Alchemy of the 9 Dimensions" back in the day. Just in the last year, I have seen 5D talk on Facebook, or fifth dimensional banter in articles or heard it mentioned in conversation on multiple occasions. The term is being thrown around, but it is not always clear what the concept actually means. Just in the last couple months, many people have asked me for some clarification. Here is my take...
From the information I have gathered over the years, and the distillation of the useful and grounded aspects of the information into my living reality, I can share it with you in what I hope to be a very practical way. It is also very useful for you to find your own relationship with the dimensions. We all experience them in unique ways.
“There are numerous dimensions. We are multi-dimensional begins by design, so we can have our own experience with many levels of reality. ”
For the purpose of the article, I am going to share information about 1D through 5D, to give a contextual understanding and hopefully a visceral understanding of how we experience these 5 Dimensions.
There are a couple things to keep in mind, heart, body while reading: The first is that all the dimension are right here right now. The second is that there is no hierarchical order to the dimensions nor an inherent value differential. They are all of equal importance and they are the cogs in the wheels of the inner workings of the Universe.
From our Earth human perspective...
1D is the core of the Earth; the iron dense core of this planet.
1D is so dense it creates such a draw to itself that it creates the gravity that keeps us all here. It is my understanding that 1D is the vertical line, it is our grounding rod, it is the linear, one dimensional experience of "1". It is the magnetic capacity for manifestation. We must be connected to 1D, our vertical line, the center of the Earth to manifest ideas into form. Ok, so we all know what Gravity is, we feel it, it is always present, we are always tapped into it, so we know 1D.
Creating an intelligent relationship with 1D means grounded yourself via your vertical line into the core of the earth. Grounding your ideas, creations, and spiritual aspirations into the density of matter can be as easy as writing down your dreams or intentions. You are taking a thought and grounding it into reality by writing it down... to see the words on paper is the first step in making it 'real' in the land of form. Ground yourself through awareness of the vertical line within you and your connection to the earth through our feel. Grounding not only creates balance within you, it fortifies you, and makes you more effective in your life. It gives your dreams a place to land.
2D is everything that exists between the core of the Earth and the crust.
This is not dead space, no, no. There is actually more living matter of immense bacterial colonies in 2D then the mass of all life on the surface. Science is just starting to realize the mind-blowing sub-Earth ecology and biology. Fracking is a devastation of 2D, and through fracking they are finding all kinds of life forms and blowing all previous misconceptions of the "world is flat" model of reality out of the water... literally. 2D is supposed to stay under the surface. It is the right order of things. The biological die off of these massive bacterial (and other life forms) is petroleum. It is not ever going to be exhausted. But it is not our resource to use. It is not supposed to be brought to the surface and burned. What are we, cave men??? Ok, so unfortunately we are very aware of 2D. We pump it into our tanks, we ignite it on our stoves, we wear clothing made out of it, we fly in planes fueled by it. This is our visceral and real connection with 2D.
Creating an intelligent relationship with 2D means envisioning a human reality where 2D is left in 2D and doing all you can do to advance our ecological participation with the planet. Also, bacteria is the most intelligent life form here. There is so much research about it... my favorite resource is Buhner's book: Plant Intelligence. Our intelligent relationship with bacteria is enhanced release the fear and stop fighting life with our anti-biotic fanaticism. Tune into 2D, and tune into the solutions for how to thrive as humans on this planet.
3D is the place between Heaven and Earth.
It is the place where our present agreement field has chosen to experience as our reality. This is shifting and that is why conversations about 5D are surfacing. 3D is an experiment in duality. The 3rd dimension is the land of the horizontal; it is a plane of duality. It is the horizontal plane between Heaven and Earth. Horizontal is tribal consciousness, group think, and collective identity. 1D is the vertical axis of Heaven to Earth. 3D is useful, it is a place of learning through contrast (thus: duality). 3D is fairly dense and subject to the laws of our agreement field, subject to gravity, subject to what we believe is possible and what is not possible; what is logical and what is not logical. It is a land of the mind, the brain, linear thinking and linear timelines. Traffic lanes and square buildings. And it is also a beautiful place, but if we are stuck in it, then we are stuck without depth and meaning in our lives. We are lost without a vision. And without vision, we feel that life is pushing us around, like we don't have a say. Without the understanding of the other dimensions around us, we feel like 3D is all there is and this is when it gets bleak.
As we understand that we are living lives with multidimensional relationships, then 3D is a playground for figuring a lot of things out. Without a broader perspective, or in this case a perspective with depth, 3D is kind of like re-living the first day of school over and over again, all we get is the syllabus and we don't move on to the richness of content. This is what Buhner calls "our infatuation with the surface of things". We try to find meaning in stuff. It sounds funny saying that, but it is true. The old American Dream... finding meaning, purpose, fulfillment in consumerism. "I have therefore I am". This is an experience of being stuck in 3D. 3D is the realm of the surface of things. It is why the screen phenomena is so catchy here. The screen is flat, we can have an emotional or meaningful relationship with what we see or hear on the screen, true... but it is pale in comparison with the depth of experience when we are in relationship with multiple aspects of our dimensional reality. The vast difference in the richness of texture is palpable. Looking at a photo of a sunset, or being witness and participant to the sun setting over the mountains as we sit on the beach, feel the wind kiss our skin, hear the waves sing their song, smell the salt in the air, is something else entirely. The more senses we use in our life experience, the more depth and richness we tap into. This is not possible in screen life.
Creating an intelligent relationship with 3D by using all of our senses here. We were designed to experience the beauty of 3D with our 5 senses. We also see more beauty and find more meaning here when we know there is more to life then this plane. This will become more apparent when I talk about 5D.
4D is the dream dimension.
Everyone asks... what about 4D? Why are we skipping to 5D? What is 4D? 4D is the realm of the dream time, visions, archetypes, souls between worlds, and the things that go bump in the night. 4D is not a place we want to live. It is where we go when we go to sleep at night. But we also want to wake up. Many do get stuck here, and it is a fairly scary experience of the not-quite-formed. When we know how to navigate 4D, we can utilize it like with lucid dreaming or finding meaning in our dreams or going on vision quests. We can tap into 4D even when awake, but it is very important to know your way out. So 4D is not an option as the next permanent digs for human consciousness. But it is important to know what it means, and know that we interface with 4D everyday.
Creating an intelligent relationship with 4D means understanding the usefulness of our dreamtime. Sleep well. Gift ourselves with enough sleep. A mature relationship with 4D includes listening to the messages gained and applying them in waking life in ways that make sense to us.
5D is next... it's about to get really juicy... seriously... just talking about 5D gets my heart all a flutter.
It is so exciting and it is worth the wait.... read part II for more...