I am Reya Born; Acupuncturist, master herbalist, author, food-grower, game-changer, anti-racist community healing artist, visionary and Earth advocate.
Master’s Degree: Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine
Nationally Certified Master Herbalist
Bachelor’s Degree: Health Ecology
“I am passionate about offering a Medicine that matches your Brilliance. These bodies are unique and amazing, they are designed to heal. I consider it an honor and a privilege to use what has been passed down to me, to tap into your body’s natural intelligence, and create the best possible circumstances for healing, adjustment, and right course. ”
20 years ago, I chose to study Chinese or East Asian Medicine because of practicality. I yearned for hands-on medicine, a technology that could transforms states of disease into improved states of being.
Brilliant Medicine is how I honor the lineage and teachings that have been passed on to me. I do not treat symptoms or diagnosis, I treat people. I treat my patients as whole and complex beings. This medicine works deeper than symptoms, shifting things at the root, creating sustainable changes for health and well-being. Brilliant Medicine is a practical and sophisticated medicine that removes the obstacles thwarting our biological intelligence and our body’s desire to heal.
I am a nature girl whose up-bringing and education gave me the skills and knowledge to carry this medicine forward. At an early age I learned that I was a part of a greater network of life. I developed a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of that which grew from the land —huckleberry, cedar, sword fern, and that which passed through —water, coyote, bear. The visceral feelings of source and origin, of energy and flow still beat through the fabric of my being, and directly inform my work.
A lifetime of study - science, math, and ecology, in addition to prayer, ritual and practice - embed a clear and deep relationship with the interconnectedness of all things: and the veil separating science and spirituality thinned to transparency, as I dedicate my life to the study and practice of an Earth-based, body-centric, contextual medicine.
I offer a medicine that is aligned with ecology, sustainability and sacred reciprocity. My medical practice is deeply invested in the intelligence of the body and the inherent dignity of all beings.
“The science and art of healing is a natural extension of who Reya is. It is an expression of her mind and heart. Due to this relationship, my focus and dependence on western medicine has radically changed and I have taken control of my health.”