The Golden Elixir is a mixture of turmeric, which gives it the rich golden hue, cinnamon, ginger, coconut cream and honey. It is a treat for your mind, body and spirit during the Fall months, the cooling weather, the wind, and the rain. These ingredients provide a powerhouse of medicinal benefits.
2 Teaspoons of the Golden Elixir Mix (turmeric, cinnamon, ginger)
2 cups hot water
1-2 teaspoons honey
1-2 Tablespoons coconut cream
Put in your favorite mug, mix well, drink in front of the fire, or while watching the leaves fall outside.
In the practice of East Asian Medicine, we do not generally work with single herbs, opting for the sophistication of multiple herb formularies that are designed to match the needs of each individual. In this case, the Golden Elixir is somewhat of a multiple herb formula that offers prevention and relief for many people for many different reasons. So I will tell you why this Elixir is such powerhouse... one ingredient at a time.
And that said, there are a few isolated reasons why the Elixir would not be appropriate for certain individuals. So please check with me first. This is a food, and it is also a powerful medicine. It needs to be right for you.
1) Turmeric
The three wise men brought the baby Jesus Frankincense, Myrrh and.... Turmeric? It has been said by herbal historians that this golden root was actually the third gift at the manger. Turmeric was worth more in weight than Gold at the time. And the medicinal properties of these three natural products are really quite extraordinary. They would have been used to anoint the newborn to offer protection and support for growth and vitality.
Turmeric is golden; both in color and in effect. As the main ingredient in the Elixir, I t is one of the most powerful herbal supplements for the prevention and treatment of disease. We use many powerful herbs in the Chinese Herbal Pharmacy, and turmeric has been the subject of much research regarding the prevention, treatment and reversal of numerous diseases. So the golden secret is out.
Curcumin is a main ingredient of turmeric and a few other roots and rhizomes we use with our patients. We use Yu Jin (tuber), or Jiang Huang (rhizome) for their medicinal properties of moving blood. They differ in their strength and the finer details of what organ systems they benefit and the specific changes they make within our system, but they both invigorate the blood, which means many things in Chinese Medicine and treats many different diseases.
From a western mindsets this translates as Turmeric being more effective than many pharmaceuticals. Turmeric has been proven to reduce inflammation in the body, it is a painkiller, it lowers blood sugar, it kills cancer cells and prevents new ones from growing, it works better than steroids (and relieves the side effects of steroidal treatments), it is an anti-depressant, it has anti-bacterial properties.
In East Asian Medicine, the blood movers are the pain-killers and anti-inflammatories. Yu Jin and Jiang Huang move blood in vessels, therefore treat pain at it's root. The anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties of turmeric that originate from it's blood moving and vitalizing properties, are at the root of its capacity to prevent and treat cardiovascular disease, systemic inflammation, allergies, arthritis, menstrual irregularities and pain, gastrointestinal disease like Chrone's and IBS, depression, and many others that are based on Blood stagnation and inflammation.
“Because I work with living people, I shift from using the phrase “anti” anything. Instead of anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, or anti-inflammatory, I prefer “clear heat and remove toxin”, “protect healthy tissues and organ function”, or “invigorates Qi and Blood”. These all translate as the body’s capacity to have appropriate immune, metabolic and inflammatory responses. These responses are healthy and important when functional and in balance. ”
3) Ginger
Gan Jiang warms the digestion, warms the lungs and expels phlegm. Doesn't that sound like the perfect thing to take in the Fall? It also a tonic effect on the digestion that can be very comforting.
3) Cinnamon
Rou gui also supports the body's appropriate immune responses. It harmonizes the inner and outer protective Qi of the body which translates as our inner and outer immunity. It warms that channels and relieves pain. It is a tonic herbs for the generation of Qi and Blood in the body.
4) Honey
Let's just say this is the nectar of the Gods. Honey's benefits are many. Honey promotes healthy inflammatory and immune responses. I recommend Manuka honey.
5) Coconut
You can use the cream from a can, or use the oil. I enjoy the cream from the can in my Elixir the most. Coconut oil and cream offer an entire pharmacopeia in themselves. They benefit our brain and memory, our endocrine system and hormones, our neurological system, our digestive and our cardiovascular system. They boost immunity, benefit the skin, and support the heart. They offer the yummy oils that our body needs for proper functioning. And as we move into winter, our systems can use the rich healing properties of coconut.