The fractal of ferns...
Within East Asian Medicine, we work with microcosms and macrocosms. All aspect of the Universe interrelate and interdepend. This is an understanding of the world of fractals. Fractals are the basic yet complex pulsing in and out of Creation, the expansion and construction or spanda of form and formlessness. Fractals are amazingly simple, yet infinitely complex. Fractals are similar patterns that recur at progressively smaller scales, or progressively larger scales and describe the partly random or chaotic phenomena such as crystal growth, plant life, fluid turbulence, and galaxy formation. They are the geometric patterns of nature. Each leaflet of a fern is the same pattern as the frond, each frond the same as the leaflet. Each pattern of a fractal is a microcosm of the whole. And the whole is a macrocosm of the parts.
We utilize this phenomena in East Asian Medicine and can effectively treat the whole body by local acupuncture to the the ear, or the foot, or the hand, which are all microcosms of the whole. Similarly, our bodies are a microcosm of the body of the planet. What is good for our body, is good for the world. And we can make the fractal leap to say treat the waters of the world, through the waters or fluids of the body. On an individual level, we can effect or heal the waters of our planet. W can honor, sing to, restore, and revitalize the waters within to effect the whole. Healthy body healthy world.
Our body a microcosm. Our world a macrocosm. The natural patterns within us fractal out into the natural patterns of the world around us, both in form and in energy. We are interdependent and interrelated with our planet in a degree that can be too complex for our linear minds, yet our hearts can understand.
When we recognize our body as a microcosm of the body of the world, or planet, then it may follow to put greater importance on how we treat both. We understand that the state of health of our body is interdependent with the state of health of our planet. Like a fractal, this pattern of interdependence can be amazingly simple and at the same time infinitely complex. A simple fact is that if the air we breathe is polluted, then our body suffers; we depend on the planet. A complex fact is that the quality of air is affected by a complicated web of decisions and actions that humans have made; the planet depends on us.
“What is good for us, is good for our world. What pollutes our world, pollutes us. What is healthy for us, is healthy for our planet. Good, whole, organic, fresh food. Clean, clear, living water. Storms and wind, wildfire and snowpack. Old growth forest systems and rugged coastline. Bird migration and farm fresh eggs. Crop diversity and human diversity. ”
The ferns of my logo...
I am passionate about the health of our bodies and the health of our planet. I have worked and studied and practiced my entire life to understand my fulcrum of greatest benefit. I was raised by ferns, fractals of the highest order, and this eventually lead me to pursue and practice an ancient nature-made medicine. One that is still wild, changing and responsive to our wild and changing world. I am honored by my teachers who have passed their lineage of knowledge on to me. I feel responsible, and am response-able to use it for the benefit of the whole.
The intersection of our bodies and our world cannot be denied. Our lives unfold from Nature and eventually will fold or spiral back in. Our vitality is dependent on the vitality of the world around us. And we are becoming increasingly aware of how the vitality of our world is dependent on humanity.
The intersection or interdependence of our bodies and our world can be honored by the choices we make. How we heal, what medicine we choose, how we eat, what foods we choose, how we relate, what form of stewardship we choose, how we make the world a better place, both within and without. Understand that your choices about how you take care of your body and nourish yourself both fractal or spiral inward and also outward. This is a great honor and responsibility.
Healthy Body Healthy World
Start with yours.