One-on-one, or group setting, to learn the skills necessary for self-treatment or for helping treat others. Upcoming classes are shared via our newsletter.
Immunity and Prevention:
Reya offers ongoing Zoom classes on immunity and prevention. These are practical classes that offer many self care ideas and techniques to maintain health and vitality. Upcoming class dates are sent out with our newsletter.
Grounded and Confident:
Each class is rooted in a different theme regarding Chinese medicine, food therapy, health and healing, movement and exercise, and practical spirituality. The name Grounded and Confident speaks to our connection to the intelligence of the body and to the brilliance of the Spirit that allows us to move through the world, make choices, do our work and thrive with a deep confidence.
Cupping Instructional:
Everybody loves cupping! This instructional is a party for anyone interested in learning a Brilliant and effortless ancient technique to release tension and reduce pain in muscle tissue and fascia of the body. This class teaches couples, individuals, and body workers to utilize cupping for very effective outcomes for self and others. I will share the philosophy behind the therapy and help you establish your own relationship with cupping. Wear comfy clothes, come as you are, and bring your friends!
articles about Reya's Classes
“I left behind a growing dependence on western pharmaceuticals and began to take control of my health. This is due, in large part, to Reya, and the science and art of healing that is a natural extension of who she is—an expression of her mind and heart.”