Qi is always moving. Like water our energy courses through our bodies. When we move, our energy moves. We we are still, our energy settles a bit. When we are always still or sedentary, our energy stagnates. Like water, our energy stays fresh and clear from movement through its course and when stagnates becomes murky, unclear and unhealthy.
“Discovering the perfect form and practice for you and your body is the sole intention of Movement and Medicine consultations.”
Movement is medicine. It is what courses our life force or Qi in a regenerative way. The medicine lies is finding a balance for yourself based on what your body needs. Too much exercise or movement can also be taxing and use up too many of our resources or fuel.
Consistent and loving forms of movement are the best medicine. We need to do what is appropriate for our bodies. We listen to our bodies. We move slowly and deliberately especially when working with injuries. We may use a gentle discipline and incorporate variety to reach maximum results. We may use an exhilarating practice when appropriate to increase organ function and performance. It is all custom designed.
Movement is medicine for mind, body and soul. When our energy stagnates as an effect of stress or lack of movement or injury, we become irritable and uncomfortable, and slow to heal, and all of this can effect many areas of our lives; our sleep, our digestion, our relationships and our ability to focus
Movement is medicine consultations work with you and your needs directly. What movement is in balance with your lifestyle, your healing intentions, your resources, and your body's capacity?
Appropriate, consistent, liberating and focused movement or exercise that brings joy to us can be just what the doctor ordered. Discovering this perfect form and practice for you, is the sole intention of Movement and Medicine consultations. They go hand in hand with your Brilliant Medicine treatments and can increase efficacy, speed recovery and healing and definitely enhance your life.